Welcome to my Sarcophagus.
The Romans, the Greeks and of course, the Egyptians,
sometimes packed their dead in a box (sarcophagus) which held not only the embalmed person (mummy) but much that person would like to have accompany him or her into the afterlife. (Favorite foods, toys, stories of his great accomplishments, pets, sometimes even a cherished spouse.
Most important to me are my songs and stories which I don’t want to disappear with my flesh. I’m in my late seventies so I think about things like this. You will too.
The Internet affords us all the opportunity to send parts of ourselves on into an afterlife that lives on, who knows how long, after our own life, though concurrent with an ever replenishing, we hope, supply of sentient earthlings.
Towards that end I am here building an archive of the songs and stories I have created, so that some can live on after me.
Before I discorporate I will try to archive 50 or so of my songs and some pieces from my books, with little stories to entice you to take a look. So, though I am personally posthumous, you might sing something from here or even better, record something or use it in a video or movie and pass along some royalties to my pretty grand-children.